Desainer interior diharuskan untuk mendobrak batasan dan merancang sesuatu yang unik. Tantangan dalam melangkah ‘maju’ adalah mempertimbangkan, memperbaharui, dan memikirkan kembali dasar-dasar desain.

Pada proposal desain Anda, jelaskan bagaimana Anda menyatukan elemen fungsi dan emosi, serta keberlanjutan dan estetika ke dalam sebuah ruang.

Menurut Anda, apa makna dibalik mendobrak batasan dan menciptakan intervensi baru pada ranah desain komersial, perhotelan, perumahan, dan kelembagaan? Bagaimana Anda mengekspresikan pengalaman holistik kepada masyarakat tanpa menghilangkan rasa kebaruan dan orisinalitas?

Ruangan yang Anda rancang:
1. Memiliki prinsip-prinsip desain yang berorientasi manusia (manusiawi).
2. Mengutamakan place-making dan story-doing.

Submission Criteria

Converge : Pushing The Reset Button
Project Category
Bebas, tetapi site harus nyata.
Project Layout Size
Minimal 300 m²
Participant Requirement
Mahasiswa jurusan Desain Interior (S1) mulai dari semester 3 dan seterusnya.
Submission Limit
1 mahasiswa maksimal 1 karya.

Project Requirements

Peserta diwajibkan menggunakan produk dan warna Nippon Paint.

Peserta diwajibkan menerangkan secara jelas produk serta elemen ramah lingkungan yang digunakan dalam proyek.

Berikan alasan mengenai pemilihan warna-warna tersebut.

Seluruh proyek wajib dimulai dengan judul proyek dan konsep. Tidak boleh mencantumkan profil peserta dan universitas untuk menjaga objektivitas pada saat penilaian.

Sample Presentation Board

Seluruh karya wajib menampilkan foto lokasi atau bangunan saat ini. Tidak boleh mencantumkan profil peserta dan universitas pada Presentation Board.

1. Profil Proyek (Nama, Kategori, dan Konsep Proyek)
2. Pernyataan Desain
3. Project & Furniture Layout Plan
4. Foto site saat ini
5. Elevasi Proyek
6. Penjelasan elemen dan cat ramah lingkungan yang digunakan pada proyek
7. Perspektif proyek dalam 3D
8. Colour Chip yang sesuai dengan kode & nama warna Nippon Paint
9. Alasan pemilihan warna pada gambar perspektif yang ditampilkan

Sample Presentation Board – Interior Design
Ukuran A2


20% Design Concept
  • Identifies clear and impactful project concept and problem statements.
  • Displays effective and extensive research.
  • Demonstrates the ability to propose relevant and effective solutions to the design challenge.
  • Indicates critical thinking and problem- solving skills.
  • Originality, relevance and impact on users.
  • The design site must be real and covering an area of minimum 500 m2.
20% Functionality
Site and Spatial Planning/Sensitivity:

The ability to deliver a layout plan which is sensitive to a spesific context. The integration of appropriate design and planning of individual spaces need to be tailored to needs of users, with an emphasis on anthropometric and ergonomic principles.


Design is appropriate for its intended use and will create a positive change for the community and users.

Design Impact:

Demonstrates significant impact on contemporary life and living environment; has strong social values and significance; actively contributes to the nurturing of the next generation and advancement of society as a whole.


Design is fit to deliver with materials and technology readily available in the market today.

15% Design Innovation
  • Displays a high level of originality and creativity.
  • Showcases the ability to deliver innovative and forward-driven interventions with the integration of technology.
15% Sustainability and Relevance
  • Demonstrates the capacity to support the needs of people and the environment in the long-term and impactful approach, (e.g. Demonstrates climate and energy responsiveness)
  • Displays effective thought process and use of renewable resources and life cycle throughout the development and maintenance of the design.
  • Displays long-lasting design and universality.
10% Delivery and Presence
  • Presentation showcases a high level of clarity, creativity and interactivity
  • Presentation is cohesive and demonstrates a high level of understanding of the design challenges and solutions given paired with appropriate visual aids, graphics and/or animations
  • Presentation focuses on both your project deliverables and design philosophy, including the journey and concept.
10% Aesthetic and Visual Impact
  • Design is aesthetically pleasing and effectively integrates social and cultural aspects for the users.
  • Place-making: Creates opportunities for users to interact through the use of the space.
10% Colour Usage
  • Demonstrates deep understanding of colours and its impact on users.
  • Showcases brilliant and creative use of colours part of the design solution.
  • Showcases exceptional balance between colours, materials and aesthetic outputs.
25% Design Concept
  • Identifies clear and impactful project concepts and problem statements.
  • Displays effective and extensive research.
  • Demonstrates the ability to propose relevant and effective solutions to the design challenge.
  • Indicates critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Showcases originality, relevance and potential impact to users.
  • Reflects human-centered values.
  • The design site must be real and covering an area of minimum 300 m2.
20% Functionality
  • Spatial planning: Appropriate design and planning of individual spaces as suited to the specific needs of the user, with an emphasis on anthropometric and ergonomic principles.
  • Functionality: Design is appropriate for its intended use and has a positive impact which benefits the community and users holistically.
  • Displays a high level of integration between aesthetic and practicality.
  • Practicality: Design is fit to deliver with materials and technonology readily available in the market today.
15% Design Innovation
  • Displays a high level of originality and creativity.
  • Showcases the ability to deliver innovative and forward-driven interventions with the integration of technology.
15% Sustainability and Relevance
  • Demonstrates the long-term capacity to support the needs of people and the environment (e.g. Demonstrates climate and energy responsiveness).
  • Displays effective thought process and use of renewable resources and life cycle throughout the development and maintenance of the design.
  • Displays long-lasting design and universality.
15% Colour Usage
  • Demonstrates deep understanding of colours and its impact on users.
  • Showcases brilliant and creative use of colours part of the design solution.
  • Showcases exceptional balance between colours, materials and aesthetic outputs.
10% Delivery and Presence
  • Presentation showcases a high level of clarity, creativity and interactivity
  • Presentation is cohesive and demonstrates a high level of understanding of the design challenges and solutions given paired with appropriate visual aids, graphics and/or animations
  • Presentation focuses on both your project deliverables and design philosophy, including the journey and concept.


Aghnia Fuad
Suasana Studio
Chrisye Octaviani
Bitte Design Studio
Grace Hartanti
GraceHartanti Design Lab
Ibam Arafi
D&B Consultant