Marietta Stefani - Arsitektur

Non-Visual Art Gallery

AYDA 2020 Gold Winner
Nama : Marietta Stefani
Universitas : Universitas Kristen Petra
Jurusan : Arsitektur
Tema : Non-Visual Art Gallery
Penghargaan : Gold Award, 2020
Kategori : Arsitektur

Project Description


People use their eyes to see and understand things including arts on the art gallery. Eyes as the main sense has the biggest role in creating a perspective of something. In fact, most of the galleries out there doesn’t even allow visitors to touch the arts. With the sign “do not touch”, unconciously build a belief that sight is everything.

Art gallery environment is often designed with an extreme focus on the visual element. As in a normal spatial process, people are more aware of visual information, causing what is called ‘architectural occularcentrism’ (visual bias). In the mean time, art should be enjoyable for everyone.

But what if we are all blind? How can we enjoy arts? Then do blind people doesn’t have the same rights?

Blind People

Blind people actually see nothing, even there are some types of blindness, from low vision to total blindness. But they can ‘see’ everything through their remainding senses such as hearing, smells, and touch. They are able in their own way.

Non-Visual Experience

What if the visual element shutted, to highlight the other sensors. Using the non-visual experience concept to make an equality between blind and sighted people through multisensory experience. So blind people could experience a new thing and increase in empathy from among people towards the blinds.

Presentation Board