Moch Aldian Prathama Risaputra - Desain Interior

Wellness Centre

Aldian Prathama - Design Interior Honorary Mention AYDA 2020
Nama : Moch Aldian Prathama Risaputra
Universitas : Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jurusan : Desain Interior
Tema : Wellness Centre
Penghargaan : Honorary Mention, 2020
Kategori : Desain Interior

Project Description

Kenko Wellbeing is an Ecotherapy based mental rehabilitation facility located in South Jakarta. By using the nature elements and combining with the Resort-like facility standard to let the patient feel the vacation they need when healing in this facility. The facility can be used for public or specified patient by consulting to specailists available in the facility to know which kind of therapy is mostly needed. The design seeks the best for the patient by learning and adapting the design to fit and efficiently used by the patient and other user of the facility.

Presentation Board