Jesscia Graciella Christy - Desain Interior

Fellycia Elementary School

Nama : Jesscia Graciella Christy
Universitas : Universitas Pelita Harapan
Jurusan : Desain Interior
Tema : Fellycia Elementary School
Penghargaan : Honorary Mention, 2023
Kategori : Desain Interior

Project Description

Fellycia Elementary School is one of the schools located in the middle of the city of Tangerang. The Natalia Foundation was founded on May 28, 1993 by Mr. Tjokie Sugiarto and Mrs. Marina. Both are entrepreneurs who are interested in the field education.

This school was established to help people who are unable to pay school fees, but the owner still give their best to provide the proper facilities and education to the children. They believe that every child is worthy to get decent school in terms of facilities or education.

The location of the school which is in the middle of the urban area of Tangerang makes it more stressful for children because of the dense city. In addition, the city of Tangerang is one of the cities with the worst air quality level. This also has a big impact on the physical and mental health of school users. Even though one of the characters of the school is to teach children to care f0r and protect nature, where nature is able to improve the mental and physical health of users. However, the character of the school has not been fully implemented.

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