Darwis Jayadi - Desain Interior

Sole Oha

Nama : Darwis Jayadi
Universitas : Binus University
Jurusan : Desain Interior
Tema : Sole Oha
Penghargaan : Silver Award,
Kategori : Desain Interior

Project Description

Design Concept & Objective

Baku Peduli is one of the communities that are engaged with tenun as their heart of the community center. Located in Labuan Bajo, Flores in Nusa Tenggara Timur. Baku Peduli Center has been striving to preserve the art of traditional tenun for over a decade empowering the craftwomans economically which is their local villagers. This is a sign that Baku Peduli Center is something that is worth to be fight constaering the potential to create a convergence between related instance for the purposes of preserving the ancient art of Tenun.

Tenun: Ancient Art Of Weaving

In the 1.192 islands 0f Nusa Tenggara Timur a tradition as old as time itself is woven into the very fabric of life. This tradition is none other than the art of tenun, passed through countless generations as a face of each tribes.

As they are encountering challenges related to societal dynamics and modern convenience that causing traditional way to make tenun are slowly fading away. To ensure the continuation of tenun not only tenun as fabric but holistically from the beginning process to the last touch of the communities, individuals, and organizations come together with a shared sense of purpose.

Presentation Board